Voting & Elections

2024 Local Government Election

The next Local Government election will be held on Saturday, 14 September 2024 for the election of our Councillors. Narrabri Shire Council has 9 publicly elected Councillors who hold office as 'the Council' for a term of four years.

If you are interested in becoming a candidate visit the NSW Electoral Commission's website to find essential information and understand your legal obligations, the registration process to initiate campaigning, managing campaign finances, navigating the nominations process, creating electoral material and ensuring compliance with disclosures and electoral expenditure regulations. 

The NSW Electoral Commission website will be updated progressively with information about key election information.  

NSW Local Government Elections

Narrabri Shire Council elections are administered by the NSW Electoral Commission.

Further information about the Local Government election can be found on the NSW Electoral Commission website by accessing one of the specific links below:

Non-residential roll

You are eligible to vote as a non-resident in a ward or council area if you are:

  • an owner of rateable land in the ward or council area; or
  • an occupier or rate-paying lessee of rateable land in the ward or council area.

Non-residential rolls are prepared and certified by each council's general manager, and the NSW Electoral Commissioner must confirm that the voters listed are eligible for enrolment on the non-residential roll. However, you are responsible for checking that you are eligible for inclusion in the non-residential roll for a council or ward when you make an application.

We recommend you get independent advice if you are unsure about whether you are eligible to apply or not.

You can apply to be included on the non-residential roll of another ward or council area by completing the relevant form below.

It is your responsibility for checking that you are eligible for inclusion when you make an application.

2024 Non-Residential Roll Individual Application(PDF, 204KB)

2024 Non-Residential-Roll Nomination Application(PDF, 216KB)

Local election work opportunities

Working at an election is a great way for members of the community to earn money, learn new skills and deliver democracy by helping people to have their say. There are positions available during the election period and on election day itself. More information, including position descriptions, pay rates, and the link to apply, can be found on the NSW Electoral Commission website.

NSW Electoral Commission Website


Becoming a candidate

The NSW Electoral Commission has a range of informative material regarding the becoming a candidate, election processes, your legal obligations, registration of electoral material, disclosure of political donations and electoral expenditure.

2024 Local Government Elections Candidate Handbook

The Office of Local Government (OLG) have a wide range of resources for people considering becoming a candidate. Information includes thorough information about becoming and being a councillor, roles and responsibilities as a Councillor as well as information regarding eligibility and the nomination process. The guides provided by the OLG have been prepared as an introduction to the role of councillors and the operation of councils.

NSW Office of Local Government: Candidate Information and Guide

Stand for your community - A guide for women
Stand for your community - A guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strat Islander people
Stand for your community - A guide for culturally and linguistically diverse people

When are elections held?

Elections for Councillors are held every four years in the month of September. All residents of the Shire who are over 18 years of age are required to vote in the local Council election.  

Local Government elections are governed by the NSW Electoral Commission and this election date is the same for all Council elections in New South Wales. The public will be reminded of an upcoming election via the media in the weeks prior to the September election. Polling booths, (places that you are able to lodge a vote) will also be advertised in this period. If you have just moved to Narrabri Shire, you are required to contact the Electoral Commission and notify them that you have relocated to a different Local Council area. Once you have notified them that you are residing within the Narrabri area, you will be required to vote for the members of the Narrabri Shire Council every four years. You are advised to check the Electoral Commissions rules and conditions regarding voting. Voting is compulsory and penalties apply for those that do not vote in an election.

Please view the NSW Electoral Commission website to determine conditions, procedures and contact details.

How may a person be nominated to Council?

A person may run for Council providing they meet they specified requirements in the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW). This criteria is set out in Sections 274, 275, 276 and 277 of this Act.

How are Councillors elected?

Councillors are appointed by popular vote. They are representatives of Narrabri Shire, as voted by all the residents of the Shire who are over the age of 18.

How are the Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected?

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected by their fellow Councillors. In electing the 9 Councillors to represent the interests of the Shire, you are also entrusting them to nominate an appropriate Mayor and Deputy Mayor for your Shire.