Tenders, Quotations & Expressions of Interest

Narrabri Shire Council generally purchases goods, services and works via quotes and tenders. Open/current tenders, quotations, and expressions of interest are listed here when they become available.


Narrabri Shire Council invites quotations for the following items;

Narrabri Shire Council has no current request for Quotations


Expressions Of Interest 

Please find below the list of current expressions of interest that are active in Narrabri Shire:

Share your business success story!

As part of NSW Small Business Month 2024, Narrabri Shire Council will be shining a spotlight on the incredible businesses that make our community thrive.

We’re inviting local businesses to share your unique story and receive stunning professional photos to add to your image library - perfect for showcasing your brand.

Expressions of Interest are now open and close at 5.00pm, Thursday, 26 September 2024.

Ready to get involved? Register here.

Narrabri Shire Youth Council

Council is seeking expressions of interest from those interested in sitting on the Narrabri Shire Youth Council.

Youth Council membership is open to young people between 14 and 24 years of age residing in the Narrabri Shire. Applications are sought from diverse locations, backgrounds and life experiences.

The role of the Narrabri Shire Youth Council is to identify gaps in services, work with the Youth Interagency to run annual Youth Week activities and provide feedback on ways to enhance engagement and address youth issues across the Narrabri Shire LGA through regular contact with council staff.

Applications must be completed below.


Applicants will be contacted about the outcome of their nomination once all applications have been reviewed and assessed by Council.

Should you have any questions regarding this application, please contact Council’s Community Development Coordinator on 02 6799 6866.

Narrabri Shire Tourism Advisory Committee

Narrabri Shire Council is seeking expressions of interest for the Narrabri Shire Tourism Advisory Committee.

Applications must be completed below by 5.00pm Friday, 20 September

Tenders Received

Please find below the list of relevant Tenders Received that are currently active and available by Narrabri Shire Council:

Narrabri Shire Council has no current Tenders active or available