Tenders, Quotations & Expressions of Interest

Narrabri Shire Council generally purchases goods, services and works via quotes and tenders. Open/current tenders, quotations, and expressions of interest are listed here when they become available.


Narrabri Shire Council invites quotations for the following items;

Narrabri Shire Council has no current request for Quotations


Expressions Of Interest 

Please find below the list of current expressions of interest that are active in Narrabri Shire:

Narrabri Shire Council has no current Expressions of Interest

Tenders Received

Please find below the list of relevant Tenders Received that are currently active and available by Narrabri Shire Council:

2024-25/14 - Gwabegar Flood Study

Tenders are invited and will be received up until 2.00pm on Tuesday, 20 February 2025 for the following:

2024-25/14 - Gwabegar Flood Study

Tender documents can be downloaded and Tenders submitted electronically via Council’s E-tendering portal at www.tenderlink.com/narrabri.

All tenders shall be submitted in accordance with the Tender Documentation and shall be endorsed with the Contract Number and Description and submitted electronically via www.tenderlink.com/narrabri prior to the closing time. The responsibility for lodgement of the tender electronically via the E-tendering portal lies solely with the tenderer.

The canvassing of Councillors or Council staff, at any time, in respect of this Tender will disqualify a tenderer. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.