Events on private property

If you plan to host an outdoor event on private land, you may need to arrange permits. Depending on the event and its location, a development application might be necessary.

It's crucial to note that failure to obtain the required permit or planning consent from Council could result in fines and potential legal action for hosting an unpermitted event.

Approval is not required if your event is held on:

  • Private property (If Development Standards are adhered to) 
  • Schools
  • Federal or state-owned land
Development Standards

Before organising your private event, ensure compliance with the following development standards. These standards regulate your event's impact on the environment and the community:

  • Obtain written consent from the landowner.
  • Avoid restricting parking or access on the event's location.
  • Protect any trees on the land or adjacent areas.
  • Prevent the redirection of water or sediment into neighbouring properties.
  • Maintain separation from rear and side boundaries according to council standards.
  • Ensure temporary structures (booths, tents, etc.) meet Australian Standards
  • Obtain adequate insurance coverage for the event.
Event Timings

Your event can not occur:

  • Before 8am or after midnight on Fridays, Saturdays, or the day immediately preceding a public holiday.
  • Before 8am or after 10pm on other days

*Ensure compliance with the regulations outlined in the Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017.

Further Information

For additional details or enquiries, contact the Codes Hotline at:

Tel: 02 8289 6600
