Narrabri Saleyards
The Narrabri Livestock Selling Centre is located in Namoi Street, Narrabri and hosts fortnightly sales of stock sourced from a large regional area. Excellent facilities for man and beast make this complex a popular choice for producers and buyers alike.
Details for the Narrabri Livestock Selling Centre are as follows:
Sale Days
Prime cattle sales – Wednesday, fortnightly commencing at 10am.
Store cattle sales – When required following fat sale.
Services and Facilities
• Yards with stock handling equipment;
• Approved road train and B-double access;
• Caters for Private Weighs;
• 24 hour Avdata truck wash;
• Kiosk;
• Toilets and showers.
Delivery Times and Curfews
Fat /Store Cattle Sale: From 7.30am on Tuesday morning, closing at 9.00pm Tuesday night, or arrangements can be made with the Saleyards Operator on the above contact details.
Contact Details
Postal Address:
Narrabri Shire Council
PO Box 261
Saleyards Operator Phone: 02 6799 6866
Mobile: 0427 101 140 (8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday)