Narrabri Saleyards

The Narrabri Livestock Selling Centre is located in Namoi Street, Narrabri and hosts fortnightly sales of stock sourced from a large regional area. Excellent facilities for man and beast make this complex a popular choice for producers and buyers alike.

Details for the Narrabri Livestock Selling Centre are as follows:

Sale Days

Prime cattle sales – Wednesday, fortnightly commencing at 10am.

Store cattle sales – When required following fat sale.

Services and Facilities

• Yards with stock handling equipment;

• Approved road train and B-double access;
• Caters for Private Weighs;
• 24 hour Avdata truck wash;
• Kiosk; 
• Toilets and showers.

Delivery Times and Curfews

Fat /Store Cattle Sale: From 7.30am on Tuesday morning, closing at 9.00pm Tuesday night, or arrangements can be made with the Saleyards Operator on the above contact details.

(*Please note that if you are unable to make the curfew, please make arrangements WITH YOUR AGENT, not with the Saleyards)

Agent's Details

Davidson Cameron & Co Narrabri 02 6792 2000
Hamilton Mortimer Agency 02 6792 316
Landmark 02 6799 1111

Narrabri Saleyards Pollution Incident Response Management Plan(PDF, 1MB)

Narrabri Saleyards Emergency Plan(PDF, 190KB)

Narrabri Saleyards Biosecurity Plan(PDF, 233KB)

Contact Details

Postal Address:
Narrabri Shire Council
PO Box 261

Saleyards Operator Phone: 02 6799 6866 
Mobile: 0427 101 140 (8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday)