Tenders, Quotations & Expressions of Interest

Narrabri Shire Council generally purchases goods, services and works via quotes and tenders. Open/current tenders, quotations, and expressions of interest are listed here when they become available.


Narrabri Shire Council invites quotations for the following items;

Narrabri Shire Council has no current request for Quotations


Expressions Of Interest 

Please find below the list of current expressions of interest that are active in Narrabri Shire:

Narrabri Shire Council has no active Expressions of Interest

Tenders Received

Please find below the list of relevant Tenders Received that are currently active and available by Narrabri Shire Council:

2024-25/10 Environmental Impact Statement for Greenhill's Quarry Extension

Tenders are invited and will be received up until 2.00pm Wednesday, 16 October 2024 for the following:

2024-25/10 - Environmental Impact Statement for Greenhill's Quarry Extension

The Works Under Contract (WUC) is for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the Greenhill’s Quarry Extension. 

Full detailed requirements for the documents are provided in the Project Scope

This is a Contract with method of payment being by Lump Sum. The General Conditions of Contract shall be AS 4122—2010 General Conditions of Contract for Consultants (Incorporating Amendment No. 1). 

The EIS final report completion must be within thirty-five (35) weeks of the acceptance of the tender. 

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the development must comply with the requirements in Clauses 190,192 and 193 of Part 8, Division 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021. 

Mandatory Pre-tender Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9 October 2024 at 12.00pm, at Narrabri Aquatic Centre - Multi-Purpose Room, 37-39 Tibbereena Street, Narrabri, followed by a site inspection. 

Tender Documents can be downloaded, and Tenders submitted electronically via Council’s E-tendering portal at www.tenderlink.com/narrabri

All quotation tenders shall be submitted in accordance with the Tender Documentation and shall be endorsed with the Contract Number and Description and submitted electronically via www.tenderlink.com/narrabri prior to the closing time. The responsibility for lodgement of the tender electronically via the E-tendering portal lies solely with the tenderer.

The canvassing of Councillors or Council staff, at any time, in respect of this Tender will disqualify a tenderer. The lowest or any quotation tender is not necessarily accepted.